Labour weekend has arrived and with it, some pretty nasty weather. So my photography fix for the weekend is happening from home this week. My red hot pokers are in full bloom now and the silvereyes are enjoying the abundant food source that my garden provides. We planted most of these flowers last year and they have grown really well.
The birds are not fussy about a little rain. They are still keen to enjoy my garden feast and do not mind the camera through the glass window, enjoying the abundant food source from the garden. We also have some fledgling blackbirds hopping around waiting on their parents to feed them. The young blackbirds have to be careful of the local cats that hang around.
Spring has the local birds enjoying the abundant food source that my garden provides and has them bringing their youngsters to visit as well. I am looking forward to the silvereye fledglings soon. Keep an eye on future blog posts. I hope to get images of the fledglings when they arrive in the garden.