
Pīwakawaka - Fantail
Pīwakawaka – fantail sitting on the grass in front of me waiting for me to disturb some bugs

A fellow photog and I went exploring a local track that I hadn’t been to before and found a lots of pīwakawaka flitting about over the water feeding on the insects they found. They would stop on the track in front of us in the hope we would disturb more food for them, but when we wanted them to sitting in a tree or on a branch, they did everything but!

Pīwakawaka – fantail on the edge of the bank over the stream

The little tricksters would just tease us long enough to get the camera up and almost focused, and then they would be gone in a flash. I decided to make it my mission to get one in flight before we headed home again. We found a seat to sit on where the fantails would be visible from and then waited.

Pīwakawaka – fantail taking flight from its perch at the top of the tree

I pre-focused the camera on the tops of the trees where the fantails were coming and going from and waited. It wasn’t long before I spotted one in my view finder and pressed the shutter. I have never managed to get a fantail in full flight before but the G9II is so much faster to grab on to focus that even with my shaky hands I managed it!

Pīwakawaka – fantail in full flight with fan spread

I am super pleased with these images. The challenge is now to go back another day and capture some more. Enjoy 🙂