New Zealand native bird, the tui are well known for their antics flitting about the trees. We live in the Wellington Region and are blessed with large numbers of these magnificent birds. Generally it is around October when the tui are feeding on the kowhai trees that I get to photograph them. They enjoy the nectar so much that they take no notice of me sitting with my camera nearby. This time of year however, while the tui are still in the trees around my garden, they are not where I can photograph them. Natural food is still available to them which is great so they don’t need to visit our feeder. I still enjoy listening to their song every morning and watch them fly about the trees around us.

Unable to photograph the tui at home, I headed round to a friend’s place and spent a couple of hours in her garden. Several tui were flitting about the trees in her garden. The feeder was very popular with both tui and silvereyes, so I was never short of a subject to photograph. Gorgeous vibrant feather colours are enhanced by the sunlight.

I hope you enjoy these images and if you do, drop me a line here. I would love to hear from you.