Christmas day was all about the yummy roast lamb we had for lunch. It kept me busy for most of the morning preparing and cooking the food. Boxing Day we had a fun BBQ with many friends and neighbours joining us for the afternoon. I didn’t pick up a camera on either day, in fact I didn’t even think about my camera. This morning was different. I had noticed the bees on the English Lavender plant yesterday and this morning I decided they would be the focus of this post.

I do not own a macro lens, but my big birding lens doubles as one so long as I don’t get too close to the subjects. I don’t wish to get too close to the bees anyway so my Leica 100-400 lens on my G9II was the perfect combination for a bit of fun with the bees. I saw at least three different species of bee, possibly four but I have yet to have them all identified.

Here are a selection of the images with all the different bees I saw during the time I sat with them. I hope you enjoy these and as soon as I get the identification sorted I will update the post. Have a safe and happy New Year everyone!