More white heron / kōtuku

Since arriving home, I have spent much of my time at the computer going through all the heron images. It has been a mammoth job to decide what to keep and what to cull. I have also been finding some treasures that I didn’t even know I had captured. We went out to the colony three times during the few days we were in the area, and each time saw something different. By the third visit we were able to predict the birds about to fly off. This allowed us to be ready to capture them in flight. Watching and taking notice of behaviours will always assist with capturing that magic image! Please enjoy some more of my heron images.

Taking flight after the other parent takes over caring and feeding the chicks.
Feeding an older chick.
One parent has returned from fishing, and the other is about to leave.
White heron / kōtuku
The blue around the eye is part of the breeding plumage, usually early during the breeding season.
Older chicks stretching their wings.
Sitting on newly hatched chicks to keep them warm and dry from the wet weather.