Honey bee

Blackberries and bees

We went to the Kaitoke Lookout to view the water reservoirs yesterday. It’s been a while since we stopped there and I am pretty sure the last time on of them was empty, so it was nice to see two full lakes of water waiting for consumption by Wellington households. There are no images here of the lakes because I just could see a picture with them in it. I turned instead to the weeds!

The blackberry plants were sprawling all over the place and many of them still flowering. At first I was drawn to the flowers, but then I saw the bees. I had my long lens on so it was easy to get close to the bees without actually having to get close to them. It would have been difficult with all the sharp spikes on the blackberry bushes anyway. It was just starting to lightly rain too, so I spent maybe ten minutes with the bees before we headed off.

Our next stop was the Kaitoke Regional Park. There weren’t many campers left, but the bottom carpark where the swimming area is was so full I didn’t bother to try. We headed up to the weir instead. There was plenty of water flowing over the weir but again I was drawn to the weeds. Well, lupins, which I really don’t think of as weeds.

I started my photographic journey with flowers and I am now finding myself looking at them again. This time however, it is with different eyes. The day’s photography ended with another stop on the way home, and the resulting images which you have already seen in my previous post, really made my day!