light painting with crystal balls

Lights, balls and a whole lot of fun!

I am presenting a workshop at the up-coming PSNZ Central Regional Convention in Whanganui on light painting with crystal balls, so lots of practice is taking place at the moment.  I want to look like I know what I am doing during the workshop.  Thankfully I have a few friends who are also keen on playing with the balls and lights, so the practice nights turn into a whole lot of fun!  Last night we enlisted the help of my long suffering assistant (husband) and I believe managed to achieve some really awesome images.  No two are alike.  The lights are always moving, sometimes changing colour at the same time so it is impossible to get any two images that are identical.  If you line up two cameras and shoot at the same time the angles will be different, so again, no two alike.  I am ready for the workshop now, and know how to achieve the desired results easily but that won’t stop me practicing and playing some more 🙂