kotare or Sacred Kingfisher

Previously overlooked images

Every now and then my computer hard drives start to complain about being full.  Happens to us all at some stage but in my case it means I have way too much rubbish that needs to be sorted.  I have a terrible habit of loading my images onto the drive and then skimming them to see if there are any that I like.

Once I identify the few images I like, I process them, write my blog, publish and then promise myself that I will go back and sort the rest later.  That also includes the cataloguing and tagging process, that almost never gets done until I have a serious space issue – like now. 

I have 6TB of storage space on my computer and recently it reached its limit, so I am now doing the sorting, deleting, tagging etc. that I should have done each time I added more images to the drives.  It has been a great exercise in that I have found some images that I had previously overlooked and may well have deleted.

This post is full of previously overlooked images from April through to June 2015.  That was the last time I was able to get out to the kingfishers due to my surgery last year.  I have no idea what the numbers are like this year, or even if they are still there.  I will certainly be going to have a look at some stage.

I think in future I will have to do more than just skim through my images.  I will try and be more diligent in my sorting, tagging and culling so I don’t have to do this massive sort again.  It’s not fun for the most part except when I find gems like these.