Ship’s Cove – 30 seconds

IMG_5085-blog3When we arrived at Ship’s Cove we had the choice of going for a walk up to the waterfall or staying in the bay.  I didn’t feel up to another hike, especially up hill so I decided to work on my 30 second project some more.  I forgot to mention the other day but some of the photos of the Waverley wreck were also 30 second exposures.  I spent the time we had at the cove on the beach and under the wharf.  There wasn’t a lot of time and I didn’t want to have to rush back when the boat sounded its horn.  I wasn’t in much state to rush anywhere if truth be told.  I didn’t take a lot of shots here but I do like the ones I did take.IMG_5072-blog3 IMG_5073-blog3IMG_5087-blog3 IMG_5090-blog3

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