So out of practice…

1E6A9223-blogIt has pretty much been two seasons since I have been able to photograph the kingfishers at this time of  year.  This is when there are plenty of them out and about, the sun is in the right place in the sky for the spot I like to sit in, and we get some beautiful sunny still winter days in Wellington.  Today was such a day and I ventured out with my tripod, camera and crutches to enjoy the sunshine.1E6A9259-blog

There were several kingfishers on the trees when we arrived at the beach, alas some of them didn’t like my being there, so I only had two or three willing to provide me with some action to photograph.  I am so out of practice that I had my settings all wrong, the shutter way too slow and I missed so many opportunities because I just didn’t react fast enough.  I need to practice more to get back to my pre-surgery self.1E6A9184-blog

Today’s images are not great – I will be the first to admit that, but they are an achievement for me. I have been house-bound for many months and being able to get out and give it a go was huge. Even if the results are not to my liking.  This will change in time 🙂 1E6A9254-blog