The Return of the Shore Plovers

Back in 2014 I had an opportunity to photograph a group of shore plovers just before they were captured and removed to a safer site.  They are very rare and were suffering from predators so it was decided to place them in protection until they numbers had improved.  Now a group of them have been released back onto Mana Island and as they did before they have flown over to the neighbouring beaches.

This last weekend a friend told me where I could possibly find one of them so off we went to look.  We were lucky that we found it, they are such small birds that unless you get reasonably close, they just blend into the sand scape.  I am not sure if this bird is a juvenile or an adult female but I am sure someone will let me know after reading this.  It certainly wasn’t upset provided we stayed very still.

We only had a few minutes with the bird before some people came walking down the beach and scared the bird away.  We saw where it landed but I had already done my quota of walking for the day so decided to be happy with the images I had and headed home.  And I am happy with them. The little bird came closer and closer so I managed to get these images while sitting in the comfort of my camp chair.



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