

Ok so I didn’t really get under water – cold water and me don’t go well together.  It was raining in Melbourne on the one day I had set aside to take some photos so we found somewhere dry instead.  If you think too hard about that sentence it will not make a whole lot of sense but it is what we did.  We went inside the Melbourne Sealife Aquarium.

I only had one of my old cameras with me and it doesn’t like low light that much but with the aid of a mini monopod I managed to get some images that I am happy with.  I was particularly facinated by the penquins and jellyfish.  So that’s pretty much all I am going to show you in this post.

We also had another funny coinsidence while staying in Melbourne – if you read my blogs from our Christmas road trip you will have read about how every motel and hotel unit we stayed in was number 11.  Continuing this on, our appartment in Melbourne was unit 11. The number follows us everywhere!