A Day at Auckland Zoo

After having the new G9II for a month to see what I could do with it, the day came when I had to give it back. I flew to Auckland to the Auckland Zoo and reluctantly handed it back to the Panasonic team. I also took my current G9 because who goes to the zoo without a camera! All of these images were taken with my current kit. We only had time to get part way around the zoo, but that just means I have to go back again another time.

One of the highlights of the day was the “Flight School” where zoo trainers put on a display of birds in free flight – along with a few other tricks they liked to show off. The image above was one of my favourites of the day. It was extremely hard to achieve as we had to stay seated (not sure I did) and the birds flew so close that the bigger lens was a bit of a handicap (see top image). Enjoy a few more images from the day below.