Chasing the sun…

IMG_7419-blog3With the colder weather comes shorter days and finding the sunshine in the right place at the right time is not so easy.  When shooting both the kingfishers and my 30 second project, I need the sun to be out and shining bright.  It is not essential for the 30 second shots but it does lend a whole different look to the images when the sun is shining.  These shots are a mixture of the last couple of days – the first three from Saturday when the sun was out constantly, and the rest from yesterday when it wasn’t co-operating quite so well.  I still like yesterday’s images but they have a totally different feel about them with the different light and the moving clouds.IMG_7395-blog3IMG_7403-blog3 IMG_7592-blog IMG_7595-blog IMG_7629-blog IMG_7639-blogIMG_7607-blogIMG_7603-blog IMG_7645-blog

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