Queen Elizabeth Park

When we go to places we have been at many times before, it becomes a real challenge to photograph something new.  Time of day, time of year, even time spent there, all play a part in the choice of subjects to photograph.  Today the light was not terrific, and rain threatened for most of our time at the park. Having walked around the tracks with little success I was pleased to see a little black shag land on the side of the walk bridge I was about to head over.  I then stalked the little shag taking a couple of images each time I took a step towards it. I managed to get fairly close before it eventually jumped down to the side of the lake.

As we were leaving I took a second look at the dabchick family but they had moved too far away to be any good. Then I spied a dragonfly.  I have never really had much success with photographing dragonflies because they just don’t stop long enough for me to focus on them.  This is the first time I have tried using the Lumix G9 and was super happy when it focused on the dragonfly so fast, then using the pre-burst mode I managed to capture a couple of images each time before it flitted to a different location.