A Brief Visit to Waikanae
Introducing a new nature photographer to Waikanae, gave an opportunity to capture some beautiful bird images.
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Kakariki, Kea, Nga Manu Nature Reserve, Shags, Waikanae Estuary, WhioIntroducing a new nature photographer to Waikanae, gave an opportunity to capture some beautiful bird images.
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Kakariki, Kea, Nga Manu Nature Reserve, Shags, Waikanae Estuary, WhioOur usual Friday outing was off to an early start this morning as we headed up Transmission Gully to Queen Elizabeth Park wetlands. I find that the water is usually very still and mirror like if we arrive there early enough and it was indeed very still today. However with it being duck shooting season,
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Canada Geese, Fantail, Kingfishers, QE2 Park, Shags, Waikanae Estuary, Welcome SwallowsWhen we go to places we have been at many times before, it becomes a real challenge to photograph something new. Time of day, time of year, even time spent there, all play a part in the choice of subjects to photograph. Today the light was not terrific, and rain threatened for most of our
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Dragonflies, QE2 Park, ShagsYet another trip to Zealandia this weekend, this time in search of the titipounamu that have recently been released in the sanctuary. Alas this time I didn’t see any but that just makes me more determined to go back and keep on looking. I have never seen one before and now the opportunity is right
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Bellbird, North Is Robin, Shags, ZealandiaEven though I was out looking for kingfishers yesterday, I always look to see what other photographic opportunities are around. While playing the hide and seek game with the kingfisher I noticed a couple of shags. First was a little shag that was busy fishing in the water below me. It wasn’t very successful while
One of the benefits of working for myself, is that I can give myself a short working week. Fridays are the day I have set aside for my photography. When the weather doesn’t play nice, then I can work on tidying up my images and get on with cataloguing them, but when it is good then
The final stop on our way home was the Pekapeka Wetlands. Sometimes there are a lot of birds here and other times next to nothing. I was a little disappointed in this visit but my expectations weren’t high in the first place. There were a few swans but not doing anything to grab my attention. I
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Pekapeka Wetlands, Shags, Welcome Swallows