More Shore Plovers


I know, it’s a funny looking shore plover, but the reality is that this is all we saw when we arrived and I didn’t want to leave without at least one image for the day.  After taking this shot and getting within reaching distance of the car I saw a few dots in the sky. img_9368-blog I just knew this was what we were looking for, picked up the camera to try and capture an image of them but of course they were too far away and too fast for me to get flying – especially when I am not ready for them.  It really was lucky that I didn’t miss them completely. img_9624-blogI love this shot because it looks like they are having a conversation about the two humans following them with odd looking attachments. Either that or they are comparing bracelet colours.img_0010-blogIMG_9556-blog1 That’s all for today 🙂  Enjoy

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