Rope suspension fun

IMG_9327-blogWarning – Adult Content: I have seen many photographs where rope has been used in an artistic way and recently when I saw one of these I decided it might be fun to do it.  A group of friends offered to help me achieve the image I had in mind and today the plan all came together.  Three photographers, one rigger, two assistants, a chilly bin full of food and drinks and we were good to go. IMG_9117-blogWhen we arrived at the chosen site, we found that the park had changed and the tree we wanted to use was gone.  There was another one but alas it was on the other side of the river!  So we drove around and politely asked the owner of the adjoining land if we could access the river through his property and thankfully he said yes – not before asking exactly what the photo shoot was. Having been honest, we sort of expected a visit from him later on and indeed he did come and have a wee look at what we were up to.IMG_9284-blogRope suspension is a serious business and the safety of the model is paramount.  To this end it took quite some time before our rigger was happy to start tying up our model. We have a list of items to bring with us next time – a ladder and a gaff being the two main items.  Coffee was also mentioned! It was a fair amount of work to set everything up but the resulting images certainly make it all worth while.IMG_9268-blogIt wasn’t until we were all finished and eating lunch that we looked across the river to the road above.  A policeman had chosen that spot to set up a checkpoint of some sort.  Was it a coincidence? Did he see us?  We will never know 🙂IMG_9132-blog

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