The Lotus Flower

Ngatea_Water_Gardens-286-blogOn a recent trip to Miranda we visited the Ngatea Water Gardens.  I have never been there before and while it is a relatively small garden it is packed with interesting features, sculptures and signs. There were several species of ducks (one I have yet to identify) and a pair of white peacocks (rather fitting for a wedding venue). It is very clear to see a lot of thought went into the development of this garden with its meandering pathways, bridges and seats in the shade to enjoy the serenity.Ngatea_Water_Gardens-200-blogI spent a bit of time trying to capture the dragonflies, though I still don’t think I have a great shot, I certainly did manage to capture it in flight. The image in this post is probably the best of the bunch of them.  I also really enjoyed the lotus flowers. They have the most unusual looking seed pods and they look great in a photograph. I am just a little disappointed that the pink ones were so far away and we had no way to shoot them. They were even prettier!Ngatea_Water_Gardens-16-blog   Ngatea_Water_Gardens-272-blog  Ngatea_Water_Gardens-252-blog  Ngatea_Water_Gardens-234-blog

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