There’s Always Something to Photograph…

All of these images were taken with these settings: ISO 2000, 400mm, F/8, 1/1000 sec

Lately it has been too hot to go out looking for birds. Instead I have been looking around the garden to see what else there might be. We have a couple of self-seeded swan plants growing and today one of them had a single monarch caterpillar on it. A chair was placed on the back porch, where I sat waiting for the caterpillar to move. Truthfully I was actually waiting for the monarch butterflies to visit but they never showed. Just as I was about to give up and go back inside, the caterpillar decided it was time to perform for the camera! And it was then the fun began…

monarch caterpillar reaching for the sky

I have never seen a caterpillar dance around the way this one did. It actually appeared to be posing for the cameras. A friend was visiting with her camera also and we both were amazed at the images we achieved in the short time we were out there. It was very hard to stop pressing on the shutter.

I love how much detail I was able to obtain using the big birding lens at full extension. It softens the background nicely. Even the hairs on the caterpillars feet were visible. I hope you enjoy viewing these images as much as I enjoyed taking them.

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