The Winter months bring the Silvereyes and Tui to our garden, and give me a magic opportunity to get really close to these birds. Over the years I have worked at getting the birds used to being fed and to allow me to photograph them up very close. Now that I can to some extent predict when the birds will be here, I am ready to share both the birds and my knowledge of photographing them with you.
The workshops will be limited to three people each day and will be on Friday mornings (weekends by appointment) from 8.30am to noon with morning tea provided. Bookings are essential. The workshop will be focused on how to photograph the Silvereyes up close, and the Tui if it cooperates. Assistance will be given with settings, composition etc.
You will need a DSLR camera with a zoom lens, a tripod and warm clothing. While we will be based indoors, with two sets of French doors open it does get rather chilly. Workshops will go ahead regardless of the weather (unless it is heavy rain) as the soft light of an overcast day makes for some delightful images.
To book your space or to check availability of space, contact me.