A Kingfisher Day


The kingfishers started playing a new game today.  There are two fishing trees, or trees that the kingfishers like to fish from, and I positioned myself between the two after the incoming tide chased me from my usual position.


My new kit means that I am less mobile, so when I set up for one direction it is not easy to swing around and capture what is going on behind me.


I am sure the kingfishers worked that out quick smart.  Every time was I distracted, they would dive in front of me and I would miss the shots.  When I was focused and waiting, one would dive behind me, creating a distraction so the other two could dive before I was ready again.


If it happened once, it happened a dozen times and got to be rather frustrating.  I didn’t achieve the shots I wanted today but there is always another day.  A couple of birds will not get the better of me!



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