A Weekend in Coromandel

I have recently returned from a few days in Coromandel staying with my cousin at Kereta.  My cousin is new to photography and having recently joining the Thames Camera Club she is motivated to get out with her camera.  So that is exactly what we did.  Their property is hilly and has some bush areas that were almost impossible for me to access with my silly feet.  So we sat on the edge of the bush by a running creek and were serenaded by grey warblers and fantails.

I thought it was funny that I could travel so far and end up photographing the same two birds I had done in my last blog post.  These ones are made a little more special by the birds either having bugs or nesting material in their beaks or swallowing bugs with their beaks wide open as you can see in the top image.  Both the fantails and warblers are very quick and flit all over the place with no regard for the poor photographer trying to capture an image of them.

My cousin also managed to capture some really interesting images that I am sure her local camera club will get to see in their monthly competitions.  I get a real buzz out of her learning when we are together. I am happy to share my experiences with her and seeing the resulting images is just awesome.  I am trying to convince her to start her own photographic blog, so if it happens I will post a link for you to view her work too.

This post is all about the warblers and fantails but over the next few days you can also expect to see New Zealand dotterels and white-fronted terns, both of which we found on our travels around the peninsula.  We also went for a ride on the train at Driving Creek Railway so there will also be a post coming with some abstract images shot from the moving train and a few other bits and pieces from that trip.  I hope you enjoy today’s images.