Birds, birds, birds…


On most dull wet weekend days in Winter, all I want to do is snuggle under a blanket by the fire and watch movies – or something along those lines.  However that doesn’t fix the photographic itch that happens on a regular basis.  Thankfully it wasn’t too cold yesterday so I opened the French doors wide and set up the camera.


We had a large flock of Silvereyes (Waxeyes) visiting the garden  and yesterday between them and the tui that visit, they drank 4.5 litres of sugar water! We have had more Silvereyes this year than ever before.  It reminds me of the feeders at Staglands – just as busy and just as crowded.


It is usually hard to tell the males from the female Silvereyes but just now it is quite easy.  The males have brighter colours and this is particularly obvious if you look just below their beaks.  The males have a colourful bib.


So I spent the morning taking photos of these little birds in what can only be described as crap light and filled two 32Gb cards.  Ok so the images were fun to shoot and were great practice shoots but that left me with 2000 images to work through today.  Not such a smart move after all. Especially as the light is better today, the birds are still there and I do have time on my hands…  what to do…


