Love Is In The Air
In winter the Silvereyes tend to flock together rather than go their separate ways to breed, however the pairs are often still together and make for some amazingly cute images.
Love Is In The Air Read More »
Silvereyes, WaxeyesIn winter the Silvereyes tend to flock together rather than go their separate ways to breed, however the pairs are often still together and make for some amazingly cute images.
Love Is In The Air Read More »
Silvereyes, WaxeyesAnother month has passed without my posting very much on my blog, but this time there is a very special reason. I was busy playing with a new toy!
Lumix G9II A Review Read More »
Butterfly, Kaka, Tui, WaxeyesI look forward to this time every year, when the Silvereye fledglings follow their parents to our garden in search of food. They are a little later this year but well worth the wait. Over the weekend we have had two fledglings flitting around the branches calling for food. They have a very distinct call
Little balls of fluff – Silvereye fledglings Read More »
Silvereyes, WaxeyesWhen the Sigma 150-600S first came out, I first in line to purchase one. I love the clarity that the better glass gives to my images and while I bought it with the kingfishers in mind, I haven’t really had much of a chance to use it with them because of my foot. The lens
Preparation and practice… Read More »
Silvereyes, WaxeyesHaving heard and seen the Silvereye chicks being fed for several days, yesterday I finally managed to capture an image of them. They are not as good as I would have liked but that was mainly because of where the birds decided to have lunch – they would have looked much better on a tree
“Hey Mum, I’m Hungry!!!” Read More »
Silvereyes, WaxeyesIt’s that time of year again when the colours in the garden are delightful and the silvereyes bring their youngsters to the bananas. We hang bananas in the trees and they just go nuts over them. We have to create a chain of cable ties to hang them from to stop the sparrows and blackbirds from
The Youngsters Are About Read More »
Silvereyes, WaxeyesEvery now and then we have a bird hit the window due to the trees being so close to the house. It usually stuns them briefly and then they fly off as if nothing has happened. This morning I heard the thud and turned to look. Just outside the door was a tiny silvereye, totally
We had some sunshine today, and for a while there was no wind to go with it so I got the camera out and played with the birds for a bit. I only lasted about an hour as the wind got up and not liking the cold I headed to the warmth of indoors. While
Enjoying the sun when its out Read More »
Silvereyes, WaxeyesThe Winter months generally keep me close to home. I haven’t been out to visit the kingfishers since before my trip to Brisbane. I have either been too busy or it has been too cold. Sometimes it is just easier to stay home and enjoy the birds in my own back yard. I have taken
I am often asked how one goes about setting up a bird feeder in their garden. Last night one of my sons asked me this very question. So today Daniel this post is to answer you. Firstly if you have cats, I would discourage you from putting a feeder in your garden. Cats are lovely
The Feeding Set Up Read More »
Silvereyes, Waxeyes