Friday Walk About – Fantails

Every Friday when a friend and I are both available, we head out together with our cameras for a walk about.  Last Friday we went to Zealandia once again hunting for the riflemen but still not finding them.  I am not giving up, I will continue to seek them out when I can until I have an image here to share.  In the mean time there are many other birds at Zealandia that are more than happy to be photographed.  These little fantails were all flitting about together. There were about six or seven of them in the one area, some of them looked pretty young – still with a bit of fluff on them – so cute!

We were in the bush and the light was not great, so every thing that could be done to increase the shutter speed was done!  I usually shoot birds at f/8 but not so with these images.  I also try not to get too high with the ISO, but again in this instance I had to push it up quite high.  So yes a little noise reduction has been done on these images but it only improves them and doesn’t take anything from the images themselves.

I didn’t get the normal amount of usable images from this trip because my camera is a little sick.  I dropped it onto a concrete path a bit ago and while I initially thought I had gotten away with without damage, it appears that is not the case, and the stabiliser and focus are a bit crook. It is going in for repair later this week and I hope it will be back in full working condition before Christmas.  That’s the plan anyway. In the mean time I have a ton of images still to process so I will not be short of anything to do.