Post Processing Skills – Then and Now

Back in February 2014 I had the awesome experience of seeing and photographing a rosella nest at Zealandia.  I was super excited at the time and shared the experience with four other photographers who all got very similar images to my own.  Five years ago my post processing skills were very few and I really didn’t know how to get the best out of the images. The image below is the same as the one above, but with my 2014 processing.

Fast forward to today and I found myself wanting a break from processing my current images and had recently seen an old image from one of the other photograhers so decided to have another go at processing some of my old files.  I had kept all the raw files so I had plenty to work with.  My post processing workflow has changed considerably since they were taken so it is not surprising the images now look totally different.

Suddenly images that I liked once, I love now.  It has encouraged me to look back into my archives and reprocess more of my favourites from the past. I will have no excuse for boredom for many years to come I suspect. The lesson to be learned from this exercise is that one should never trash the raw files, even if you are not totally happy with them because a few years down the track they might look much better than they do now!