Wingspan Birds of Prey

NZ Falcon

When choosing my fieldtrip option at the convention I was looking for the least amount of walking. When I saw Wingspan on the list I knew exactly where I was going.  I know I have been there many times already but each time I have managed to get images I am really happy with, so this encourages me to return for more.

Ozzy - NZ Falcon

If you have never been to Wingspan, they are situated in Rotorua and are well worth the visit. You will get to see our native NZ falcon in flight and if you are lucky maybe have one sit on your hand (or head). For more information visit their website at

NZ Falcon

These images are all of Ozzy, a seven year old New Zealand falcon who flies daily at 2pm during their birds of prey flight display.  He has an adorable personality and is very challenging to photograph.  Please enjoy these images from my recent visit.

NZ Falcon

NZ Falcon

NZ Falcon