hihi or Stitchbird

Bushy Park and other places

The field trip that was mentioned on yesterday’s post was made up of three stops.  The first being at Bushy Park Homestead.  The birdlife around the homestead was amazing with tui and kereru in almost every tree.  We certainly didn’t have to go far from the bus to see and photograph the birds.  However while on the bus there I was talking to a fellow who visits Bushy Park regularly and learned from him that just a short walk into the bush was a hihi feeder and he usually had great success photographing them there. So off we went down the track, mindful of the little time we had to explore the park before the bus left, we focused on one spot.

Within minutes of arriving a male hihi flew in, posed for a couple of seconds, and then flew off again.  The four cameras that were pointed in his direction when click click click as we all tried to get an image of this quick little bird. Next there was a North Island robin who came and hopped around our feet looking for grubs and bugs disturbed by out being on the track.  Again the bird obliged us by posing nicely a couple of times before taking its departure. I could have easily just sat in that one spot for hours letting the birds come to me.  I find it by far the best way to get great images – as chasing the birds only has you photographing their behind!

At Nuts & May there were some beautiful tulips in flower. Without realising it I had knocked the settings on my camera and the images I took were not what I was expecting.  Once I realised my problem it took me some time to correct it not being that familiar where everything is as yet.  I am learning fast so each mistake is assisting with the learning process. I have now booked a weekend at Bushy Park, so I can take my time exploring the park and photographing all the amazing birds there.  I am really looking forward to it.

Then we were taken to Pukatea as I mentioned yesterday and these ladies served us afternoon tea in the garden with the sun streaming down through the trees.  After wandering round the garden I went for a walk to look at the new lambs in the paddock, I find them very cute when they are feeding of their mum. And then yes I can’t resist posting a couple more kereru.