
A walk around Zealandia Eco Sanctuary

Today we have a selection of images from Zealandia.  This was the first time I had used the camera after the firmware upgrade and I was keen to see if there would be any improvement in the auto-focus. I am happy to day that I found using AFC much better with the birds than in

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Kaka, Kereru, North Is Robin, Saddleback, Tui, Zealandia

Tiritiri Matangi Island

Late last year I booked a trip to Tiritiri Matangi Island for this February.  It has been many years since I visited the island and I had never taken the Lumix G9 there at all.  So I was keen to see how it performed in difficult light and with fast moving birds at the same

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Bellbird, Hihi, Kakariki, Kereru, Kokako, Parots, Tiritiri Matangi Island, Tui

Zealandia in September

My membership had expired, so when it was suggested that we head to Zealandia this morning I figured it was a great opportunity to renew my membership. The benefits of being a member are awesome, I can go as often as I like and if I want to take anyone with me (who isn’t a

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Birds, Blackbird, Ducks, Kakariki, Kereru, Reflections, Takahe, Tui, Zealandia