I haven’t been out with the camera since last Friday so have had some time to go over more of last week’s images. I really enjoy the fantails as they have so much character and expression on their faces. They flit around constantly and the only time they ever seem to sit still is when the camera is busy saving images – and I miss the best shots!
We have had a fantail visit our garden at home a few times now and every time I have seen it I have been busy with something else and unable to grab the camera. I am hoping that it will become a regular visitor like the silvereyes. The tui are fickle and will only stop by when the feeders are full. We can still hear them though, so I know they are not too far away.I have been slowly working on adding pages to this website over the last few weeks and I intend to continue doing so. Currently the three new pages can be found under ‘projects’ and they are the Cape Kidnappers Gannets, Kingfishers and Muriwai Gannets. These pages will be added to over time as well. So do check back from time to time.