One of New Zealand’s endemic birds, the Kakariki is a stunning bright green colour. Kakariki means green in Māori language. Kakariki are rare on the two main islands of New Zealand now, but can be found on pest free islands. Thanks to a relocation programme in 2010, they can now also be found in Zealandia and some of the Wellington Region.
I spent a few hours watching and photographing the Kakariki at Zealandia yesterday and was rewarded with some very cheeky birds stopping just long enough for me to get these images. The light was coming and going but patience won out and I got the shots I was after.
A big thank you to the other photographer and her ingenious trick of the day – one I won’t forget and will be sure to try on my next visit to the Kakariki. It certainly helped with getting these images.
We had an interesting discussion about the benefits in shooting in raw versus jpg. At the time I don’t think she fully understood the difference and saw the raw processing as modifying the image. Afterwards I thought of how I could have made it easier to understand. The raw image is like the film negative, the jpg is the print. Once the image is printed there is little that can be done to improve it – not so with the negative
If you are reading this blog then I hope you give it a try when you get your laptop, because it seems such a waste to limit yourself and your photography so much when you are using such great equipment.